How do I fix this?MP3 TROUBLE! If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable.?If by %26quot;I can still play the song in Windows Media Player, but it doesn't recognize the file as an 'mp3'%26quot; you mean WMP won't open when you double-click the file, that's because you've changed the file extension (the .mp3 part) to something that WMP isn't in associated with.
In other words, when you tell it to open the file while it's already running, it handles the contents, but when you try to use the file to get it to run, it can't because it's not an %26quot;.mp3%26quot; any more.
Hope that helps.MP3 TROUBLE! If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable.?don't rename the extension. you can change anything BEFORE .mp3, but do not change the last 4 characters.MP3 TROUBLE! If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable.?You can't just change the file extension and expect it to play. If you need to change the type of file, you need to use a converter.MP3 TROUBLE! If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable.?type folder options in start then click the view tab then check %26quot;hide extensions for known file types%26quot;
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