Here's my ordeal. We have 2 cameras, both by the same maker, Sony. And apparently, both cameras name their files the same way.
This is a problem because if we ever want to put the new camera's photos into a folder with some really old ones taken with the older camera, they can't coexist unless we rename one of them.
Is there a way to change the naming system altogether?
The first camera is a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P200
The second is a Sony CyberShot DSC-T77
P.S. And out of curiosity, what happens when the photo number exceeds that of the digits? How do they name the 100000th photo?2 Cameras Same File Name Problem?It just comes back around.
99998, 99999, 00000, 00001
I use several Canons and they all use the same names. Not an issue because I use Lightroom for managing them. You really should start using a photo management app before you amass too large a library.2 Cameras Same File Name Problem?o yep dat is a problem
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