Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do you find a hidden file in DOS?

I opened an email in exel, somehow the file name changed from DOC 07 to DEC07%281%29, now I can not find that file anywhere. I did this once before and a guy found it in DOS.How do you find a hidden file in DOS?To show hidden files with dos, you use the following command:


to find all files in the directory, you use the following command:


therefore, to find all files in all directories, with all hidden files included, you would use

dir /a /s

this will bring up a lot of files really fast, so you can list them by page by:

dir /p

and ctrl-c to cancel.

You can change the attributes of a file (like from hidden to not hidden) by using the following command:


and use it such as

attrib textfile.txt -h

to get rid or the hidden attribute.

On the other hand, if you go to your directory window, click tools in the pull down menu, folder options, view tab, and click the show hidden files and folders, you would be able to see hidden files in your directory. And then if you right click the hidden file (it will appear slightly transparent) you can go to properties and change the attributes of the file there, ex. take the hidden file attribute away.How do you find a hidden file in DOS?open the command window and enter c:\ to get to the root then run the command

DIR C:doc***** /s -h

this will search and list any file starting with doc and is hidden.

personally i dont think thats what you need to do though,..How do you find a hidden file in DOS?OK if u have a virus scanner use that if you dont download or get a good firewall that will fix the problem.How do you find a hidden file in DOS?You need to use the attrib command to 'unhide' the file. eg:

attrib -h test.txt

The -h switch is removing the hide attribute from the file called test.txt. For a list of switches you can use with attrib, just type attrib and hit enter - a list will show up.
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